Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Individual Reading and Log
New vocabulary word:
(pruh KRAS tuh nate) v.  to put off until a later time


"Larry HATED to cut the GRASS and would  PROCRASTINATE about it for weeks."

Select one of these sentences to copy:
  1. Never do today what you can PROCRASTINATE doing until tomorrow, a famous husband once said.
  2. PROCRASTINATION  is the curse of the Latin culture; at least, deserving or not, Latins have the reputation of being PROCRASTINATORS.
  3.  Wilcox had a PROCRASTINATING personality; whatever he started, you felt he was probably not going to finish.

Partner Fluency

Another controversy and . . .
Prom Dress in Provo, Utah  
or see the article at

Provo Prom Dress Problem

Everlost pages 135 - halfway down page 151.

Student thoughts on parents being arrested for kids skipping school:
Laws are inconsistent.
What happens to the kid while their parents are in jail?
You can't just skip work when you're grown up and not get fired.
Truancy laws already work.  Kids who've gone through truancy court/school don't miss school now unless they're really sick.
It's the children who are skipping school who should experience the consequences.
The school should start to make school more fun.
The kids should just suck it up and go!
This is my education; it is my job.
Parents shouldn't have to pay for your stupid mistakes.
Some parents have to leave for work even before their kids start school.
I think [skipping school] is dumb even though I did it before in the past.  I stopped after I got caught by a cop. That was scary.

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