Friday, May 18, 2012

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Individual reading and Log
Partner Fluency Practice -- How fast can you go?

New Vocabulary Word

(uh FACE)  verb
to rub away
"You could EFFACE a face by ERASING it."
  • We came upon a cemetery by the sea. Many of the headstone inscriptions had been EFFACED by the ravages of time, but we could make out many that were well over two hundred years old.
  • To assure that he left no clues, the thief EFFACED his fingerprints from the stolen car.
  • It was hard to make out the old coin's date because it was EFFACED.

Words for the Test Next Time
trenchant         procrastinate         roster       impede
forbear        migratory        evade         efface

Update on Trayvon 
Everlost, page 211

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