Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Self-Starter:   Individual reading and Log

2.  New Vocabulary word.
FORBEAR (for BEAR)  v. 
to refrain from; to abstain (to not do it); to be patient and tolerant

Link:  Four Bears

"Please  FORBEAR feeding the FOUR BEARS."

Pick one of these sentences: 
  • To FORBEAR giving your opinion on any controversial matter until you have first heard all the facts is generally the wisest course of action.
  • Jonathan said his motto was to never FORBEAR throwing a good party for another time when you can have one today.
  • Henry FORBORE his decision to close the store, deciding to wait until after the Christmas season.
“The job of a highway patrolmen is to IMPEDE speeding motorists.”

ROSTER (RAW ster)  n.
a list of names, especially of personnel available for duty 

PROCRASTINATE  (pruh KRAS tuh nate) v.  to put off until a later time

Julia had a TRENCHANT tongue and was always putting her friends down behind their backs.

FORBEAR (for BEAR)  v. 
to refrain from; to abstain (to not do it); to be patient and tolerant

3.    Partner Fluency -- new passage  
Sequoya  (Sa -- coy --a)
Cherokee  (Chair - a -- Key)
Phoenix  (Fee - nix)
Sequoia National Park

4.  New Article of the Week  -- Orangutans and iPads  --
 Article of the Week Orangutan.docx

Orangutans and iPads


5.  Everlost, from page 187

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