Monday, May 14, 2012

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Self-Starter:  Individual Reading and Fill out Reading Log
2. Vocabulary --  New Word

(My gruh tor ee)   adjective
roving, wandering, nomadic

Link:  MY STORY 

"MY STORY is one of many MIGRATORY movements."
  • Wild geese MIGRATE to Canada in the summers and Mexico in the winters.
  • Most American Indian tribes in the Old West were MIGRATORY and followed the movements of the buffalo.
  • Fruit pickers are MIGRATORY workers who move from place to place at harvesting time.  

3. Partner Fluency Practice 
Tongue Twisters   See some at

4.  Read a short story "Attachment"  by Lois Lowry, and write about it.

5. Everlost, p. top of 203

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