Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Self-Starter:   Individual Reading and Log
2. Vocabulary Test  -- Individual and without notes. 
3. Partner Fluency Practice
4.  Wrap up Trayvon Martin: 
Some student responses so far:  
  • Zimmerman killed Trayvon Martin for no reason at all.
  • Zimmerman should go to jail so more people don't have to die because of him.
  • Trayvon Martin did not deserve to be shot.  He was innocent.
  • I wish the shooter could have been stopped or caught right away.
  • It had something to do with the color of Trayvon's skin.
  • Someone who would shoot someone like that isn't even human.
  • The "Stand Your Ground" law is not right.
  • Trayvon's girlfriend was on the phone and heard what was going on.
  • This was not an ordinary shooting. 
  • Trayvon died just because he was a different race, and "looked" suspicious.
  • It was a good idea for Trayvon to call his girlfriend.
  • The emergency dispatch told Zimmerman NOT to follow Trayvon. 
  • Zimmerman went overboard in taking the law into his own hands. 
  • Trayvon was innocent and doesn't deserve to be dead., and Zimmerman  is an "idiot" and is guilty of murder. 
  • This article makes me angry. 
  • Zimmerman should be put into a prison cell full of hoodies and be in a strait jacket until he goes crazy. 
  • The police are believing everything Zimmerman says and not investigating it. 
  • The police and other government officials aren't doing their job.
 Timeline of the Case
If you haven't handed in your one page response, you need to do it now or very, very soon. 

5.  Parents arrested?  "Police Sweep Arrests Parents for Kids Skipping School."

Special Guest speaker:  Mr. Johnson

 with sound



At least one police officer in Loudoun, VA thinks that one mother of three little girls should be punished for "contributing to the delinquency of her minor children." The specifics of her crime? Getting her children to elementary school late. Seven times. As she wrote to the blog FreeRangeKids.com (which, by the by, has been making a lot of news around here lately) :
After the fifth offense there was a meeting with a truant officer. We were late twice since then, which resulted in the surprise of three officers showing up on this Sat night (1.21.2012),  where I was literally handcuffed and brought to the Adult Detention Center to meet with the magistrate who chose to release me with a $3,000 bond promised to be paid if I fail to show up for the arraignment in a few days.

In Alaska, legislation was passed allowing districts to fine parents $500 a day for every day a child misses school. And in California, ten absences without a doctor's note can now trigger a call from the school to the district attorney to bring charges against the parents.   
from  http://www.huffingtonpost.com/lisa-belkin/arrest-parents-school-tardiness_b_1231493.html

Have you written your one page response yet?  

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