Monday, April 16, 2012

Monday, April 16, 2012

Self-Starter:  Individual Reading

Tell about substitutes.

Vocabulary  -- Cacophony 
  (kuh KAH  fuh nee) noun
   It means "harsh sounds."

Link:  COUGH
Copy this sentence: There was a cacophony of coughing in the smoking lounge.

Pick one of these sentences to copy:
  • A cacophony isn't just noise.  It is disturbing noise such as when people shout all at once.
  • Gene thinks all rock music is a cacophony to be avoided whenever possible.
  • An unpleasant cacophony of sound was produced as the orchestra tuned their instruments.  But once they began to play together the sounds became euphonious. 

3. SRI

4. Finish Trayvon Martin Case or work on your Whitewater packet.

If time:

5.  Everlost, p.         to page

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