Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Self-Starter:  Individual Reading and Filling out Log     
Last time the vocabulary word was Bulwark.
2. New Vocabulary Word   -- CONNOISSEUR
(kahn uh SEWR)  noun
an expert, particularly in matters of art and taste


The king of the sewer is a CONNOISSEUR of garbage.

Select one of these sentences:
  • My uncle is a  CONNOISSEUR of fine wines.
  • Art dealer, Jorge Guizar, is a CONNOISSEUR of Mexican art of the 19th century.
  • When it came to coins, Jerry proclaimed he was a CONNOISSEUR because he had collected them all his life.

3.    Partner Fluency

4.  Everlost, p. 109

 5. Comprehension/fluency packet:   Answer as many questions as you have time for.
The Article of the Week Assignment (Trayvon Martin)  is due next time, April 5.
If you are finished with both of these, find something to quietly read.

Published earlier on 3/30/12

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