Saturday, January 21, 2012

Monday, January 23, 2012

For those "Thinking About Your Own Thinking" papers that you handed in, "Good job!"

1. Self-Starter: Pick up your folders.  Context quiz.

Hand in Disclosure Documents.

2. Receive Individual Reading Strategy Charts (with Fix-Up Strategies)  -- Highlighters!
3. Reading Strategy:  
    1) Use Metacognition to Notice When You Don't Know a Word.
    2) Decide if you need to know it. (Is it getting in the way of understanding? -- Is it a name or is it something else?) 
    3) Use Context Clues (and other clues)  to figure out unfamiliar words
          a. What's in the word?
          b.  What does it look like? (Is the word or part of it      familiar?      But there's no butter in a butterfly.)
          c. What about its surroundings?  What comes before and after it? 

4. Begin Reading The Invention of Hugo Cabret. 820L

Use context and other clues to figure out words in your own individual reading.
5. Individual reading time.
   5a. If you were absent last time, take the SRI.

If we have extra time, we will do a Fluency practice.

Here is an online quiz on using examples context clues:
and another
and another
and another

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