Monday, January 9, 2012

Context Clues 1. Definitions or Synonyms

Often, context clues are found in the form of synonyms: words that mean the same as the unknown word.  Authors may instead provide a definition right after using an uncommon word.  Synonyms or definitions may be set off by special punctuation within the sentence, such as commas, dashes, or parentheses; and  they may be introduced by or ("Nuptials, or weddings, . . . "and that is ("Woolies, that is, knitted underwear. . . ").   A synonym may also appear anywhere in a sentence as a restatement off the meaning of the unknown word. 

Are  you averse -- opposed to -- the decision?
His naivete, or innocence, was obvious.
The salesperson tried to assuage the angry customer's feelings, but there was no way to soothe her.

See Friday, February 27, 2012.
Thanks to Improving Reading Comprehension Skills by Langan, Cader, and Anton.

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