Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Context Clue Activity

Which of these four types of context clues is each of the following, and what does the underlined word in each mean?  Write the appropriate letter in the space, then write a guessinition (a guessed definition).   Make it the best guess you can make based on the context clues!
A.     Definition or synonym                       
B.     Example
C.     Contrast or antonym
D.    General sense of the passage

1. Mr. Medbourne, in the vigor of his age, had been a prosperous merchant, but had lost all by a frantic speculation, and was now little better than a mendicant.
Which type of context clue is this?  _______________
What do you think mendicant means? __________________________________________________________
Note: Speculation is like gambling.

2. The lizard was so lethargic that I wasn’t even sure if it was alive or dead.  It didn’t even blink. 
Which type of context clue is this?  _______________
What do you think lethargic means? __________________________________________________________

3. But Wolf Larson seemed voluble, prone to speech as I had never seen him before.
Which type of context clue is this?  _______________
What do you think voluble means? __________________________________________________________

4.  The adverse effects of this drug, including dizziness, nausea, and headaches, have caused to be withdrawn from the market.
Which type of context clue is this?  _______________
What do you think adverse means? __________________________________________________________ 

5.  “I’ve caught several students surreptitiously checking answer sheets during my exams,” said the teacher.  “However, until today I never saw one openly lay out a cheat sheet on his desk.”
Which type of context clue is this?  _______________
What do you think surreptitiously means? _________________________________________________________ 

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