Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Friday, February 27, 2012

Self-Starter:  Words in Context
More on figuring out words in context.
We used pages 666  (ominous, huh?) through page 672 to learn about seven types of context clues:
1. Definitions or Synonyms  Context Clues 1. Definitions or Synonyms
2. Concrete Examples  Context Clues 2. Concrete Examples
3.  Contrast Clues   Context Clues 3. Contrast Clues
4.  Description Clues 
5.  Words or Phrases that Modify
6.  Conjunctions Showing Relationships
7.  Unstated or Implied Meanings -- What is the general meaning of the passage?
  Context Clues 7. Unstated or Implied Meanings, General Meaning

The four most used  (or at least most important to learn for school) types of context clues are

1. Definitions or Synonyms
2. Concrete Examples
3.  Contrast Clues
7.  Unstated or Implied Meanings -- What is the general meaning of the passage?

The students identified which type of context clue each of these passages uses.
Use this document to make-up the assignment. 
Context Clues for Small version.docx 

Hugo Cabret and Vocabulary

Find Box:

Individual reading -- in your independent growth range
Don't forget to fill in any unfamiliar words and to fill out your reading log.  If you were absent, pick up a pink make-up sheet, or download one here:  Reading Log Make-Up Log.doc

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