Thursday, August 25, 2011

August 26, 2011

1.  Begin class novel  -- Regarding the Fountain   1. Recognize that there are different types of reading, and that your purpose will be different depending on what you are reading.What modes of communication have you used?  What ways of communicating aren't usually used any more? (smoke-signals? telegrams?)  Do you read each differently?  Set a purpose for this novel.   
a. What structural changes would you like to see in our school?  I suggested skylights in the rooms that don't have windows -- that is, the ones on the second floor.  What other changes to the building would make it better?  [Make-up if you missed.  Fill out this handout:

Regarding the Fountain Anticipation

2.  Line up in alphabetical order by last name and receive a folder to mark with your name (last, first) and to decorate.  The folders will be kept in the B4 black crate on the counter. Hang onto yours so you can place your  reading log in it before you leave class today.
3.  Strategy instruction. --  
 Change HOW you read based on WHAT and WHY you read.
4.  Find a book or magazine for individual reading time. -- INDIVIDUAL READING TIME. --Receive and fill out your reading log.  -- How to check out books from this classroom [Make-up work:  Pick up one of the pink make--up forms for reading, or download it using this link: 

Reading Log 7 Make-Up Log.doc

5. Collect folders and place in crate. 

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