Wednesday, August 24, 2011

August 24, 2011

August 24, 2011

1.  Find your assigned seat and fill out the surveys/forms.  Sorry there are so many, but we need some for data collection, and some to help you find books you might like, set reading, goals, and improve the reading skills you most need to improve. (Make-up:  get the surveys/forms from the file next to your class crate.)
2. Read aloud by the teacher from Beyonders by Brandon Mull
3. Receive your  disclosure document and take a quiz on it. Discuss.
        Your signature sheet is due by August 31.  (Make-up:  get the disclosure and quiz from the file next to your class crate. Note: The answer to questions #9 is not on the document.  Instead, find the citizenship rubric in your planner.)
4. Brian Regan on reading
5. Book pass as reading time. (Make-up: get the book pass form from the file next to your class crate.  In the classroom during CaveTime or in the Media Center, quickly select three books that look interesting to you.  Read the front and back of the first, record the title on the book pass form, starting at the first page, read from the book for three to five minutes.  Note on the book pass form whether you'd be interested in reading the rest of it.  Do the same for the other two books. Hand in the book pass form.)

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