Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Self-Starter:  Individual Reading and Reading Log

2. Fluency Practice

3.  Vocabulary  -- Word a Day -- Collect these words -- We will test every 5 times.
Be able to spell the word and know its meaning
Today's Word:  chattel noun  definition:  an item of personal, movable property: slave
Example sentences: 
Tex's cattle were his chattel.
The bank held a chattel mortgage on all our office equipment, chairs, computers, and even our electric clock.
Please do not order me around.  I am neither your servant nor your chattel.
The chattel belonging to Herodotos of Athens at his death were sixteen slaves, seven horses, six hunting dogs, and three dwarf gladiators.

4.  Practicing skills and strategies with short texts

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