Monday, March 26, 2012

Wednesday March 28, 2012

Self-Starter:  Individual Reading and Filling out Log     
2. New Vocabulary Word   Incongruous  (in KAHN grew us) adjective
   not appropriate, unsuited to the surroundings; not fitting in

"The new Alaskan senator's presence IN CONGRESS was INCONGRUOUS."
  • Ed appeared INCONGRUOUS wearing his tuxedo to an old-fashioned hayride.
  • The  INCONGRUITY with Joseph's chosen career was that he had a Ph.D. in chemistry, but preferred to work as a mullet fisherman.
  • INCONGRUOUSLY,  she spent several days a week at the library, even though she claimed she didn't like to read.
3.  Article of the Week Assignment   -- Due April 5    

4.  Partner Fluency

5.  Everlost, p. 84 -

6.  Checking Bungee Packet -- D- end

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