Self-Starter: On lined paper, write about this:
If you dream while sleeping, what has been one of your favorite or most memorable dreams.
If you don't dream while sleeping (at least you don't remember your dreams), what do you daydream about that would be school-approriate to share?
2. Timed Reading with comprehension questions -- We check through Part D. We still need to look at Author's Approach, and the rest of the packet.
3. Introduced QARs -- The self starter was an "On Your Own" question.
Everlost -- pages 40 through half-way down page 49 --
We will answer the questions next time.
The types of questions we talked about today are
Questions for
Everlost, pages 40-59:
1) What did Speedo bring to sell to Mary Hightower? Find the answer on pages 39-40? (
Right There question)
2) What make and model of car does Mary give Speedo? page 42 (
Right There question)
3) What things did Nick and Allie HAVE to do when they were alive that they don't have to do anymore, though they still crave doing those things? Name three or more activities that are told about in the book. (
Think and Search Question)
4. What was the most surprising thing about the leader of the boys who ambushed Nick and Allie? (page 50) (
Right There question)
5. Have you ever had to deal with a bully or a gang of bullies? What happened? (This is an
On Your Own Question. You don't have to read
Everlost or any other book to answer it.)
6. Was Allie stupid or smart to tell the bullies that she was friends with the McGill (the monster)? Why do you think so? (This is an
Author and You question. You have to read the book to know what it's talking about, but you add your own opinion and experience.)
4. Partner Fluency (none today)
5. Vocabulary -- Last word in this set: CEREBRAL
(suh REE brul) adjective
of or relating to the brain; an intellectual person
Linking work: CEREAL
"Eat your CEREAL so you'll grow up and be CEREBRAL like your father."
Other Sample Sentences:
CEREBRAL for a football player, the wily Kansas quarterback rarely called a play that wasn't well planned and thought out.
Dr. Clark was too CEREBRAL to be a boy scout leader. Instead of saying "pitch your tents over by the cliff, " he would confuse everyone with his big words and say, "construct the canvas shelters in the proximity of the promontory."
6. Individual Reading and Log --
It was extra short today, so we did not do the following: Today you must read a book or story. Turn in two questions, one each of two types of QAR's for what you read today.