Monday, March 26, 2012

Friday, March 30, 2012

Self-Starter:  Individual Reading and Filling out Log     
2. New Vocabulary Word   --
(BUL wurk) noun
a defensive wall; 
something serving as a 
principal defense

Link: Bull Work 

"Bulls work building a BULWARK."

Quebec city is the only city in North America with a BULWARK built entirely around it.

The budget for national defense is an economic burden for all taxpayers, but we must never forget our armed services are the BULWARK of defense for the nation.

Our mother was a BULWARK against bad times; no matter how bad things became she always wore a smile and had a cheerful word. 

3.  Article of the Week Assignment -- received last time -- due April 5

4.  Partner Fluency

5.  Everlost, p. 97 - page 109

 6. New comprehension/fluency packet:   White Water Thrills
Students did their timed reading.

This Week During Cavetime

Wednesday:  Talent Show for Eighth Grade in the New Auditorium
Thursday:  Talent Show for Ninth Grade in the New Auditorium

Thursday:  Net Smart for Eighth Grade in the Old Auditorium
Friday:  Net Smart for Ninth Grade in the New Auditorium

No movie during Cavetime on Wednesday or Thursday

Wednesday March 28, 2012

Self-Starter:  Individual Reading and Filling out Log     
2. New Vocabulary Word   Incongruous  (in KAHN grew us) adjective
   not appropriate, unsuited to the surroundings; not fitting in

"The new Alaskan senator's presence IN CONGRESS was INCONGRUOUS."
  • Ed appeared INCONGRUOUS wearing his tuxedo to an old-fashioned hayride.
  • The  INCONGRUITY with Joseph's chosen career was that he had a Ph.D. in chemistry, but preferred to work as a mullet fisherman.
  • INCONGRUOUSLY,  she spent several days a week at the library, even though she claimed she didn't like to read.
3.  Article of the Week Assignment   -- Due April 5    

4.  Partner Fluency

5.  Everlost, p. 84 -

6.  Checking Bungee Packet -- D- end

Monday, March 26, 2012

Individual Reading and Reading Log

Vocabulary quiz on the first five words
Bungee questions -  We checked A- C.

 Partner Fluency Practice

 Everlost -- and ever asking questions -- and drawing illustrations  page 76 -84.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Individual Reading and Reading Log
Partner Fluency Practice
Everlost -- and ever asking questions

Watch this video and finish packet:
Packet -- Fluency and comprehension practice with passage about Bungee Jumping --

Vocabulary practice

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Individual Reading and Reading Log
Partner Fluency Practice
Everlost -- and ever asking questions

Packet -- Fluency and comprehension practice with passage about Bungee Jumping --

Friday, March 16, 2012

Friday, March 16, 2012

Individual Reading

Partner Fluency Practice

Practice  Vocabulary Words

Watch parts of video for  Hugo -- to go along with having read the book. Through chapter --

Vocabulary -- MATCH THE WORDS

1. CEREBRAL                           A. STERN, AS IN MANNER; WITHOUT EXCESS,
                                                UNADORNED,   SEVERLY SIMPLE AND PLAIN

2. ALOOF                                   B.  AN ITEM OF PERSONAL, MOVABLE PROPERTY; SLAVE


4. CHATTEL                               D. DISTANT, RESERVED IN MANNER; UNINVOLVED

5. AUSTERE                               E. TO EXPRESS SORROW OR REGRET; TO MOURN

originally published March 10

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

You will have a substitute teacher today.  Be on your best behavior.

1. Individual reading and log
2.  Partner Fluency Practice
3. Watch part of   Hugo -- because we read the book together as a class.   -- Chapter 6.
Optional assignment:  Reading Comprehension Practice Packet.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Self-Starter: On lined paper, write about this:  
If you dream while sleeping, what has been one of your favorite or most memorable dreams.
If you don't dream while sleeping (at least you don't remember your dreams), what do you daydream about that would be school-approriate to share?  

 2.  Timed Reading with comprehension questions -- We check through Part D.  We still need to look at Author's Approach, and the rest of the packet.

3.  Introduced QARs -- The self starter was an "On Your Own" question. 
Read Everlost --  pages 40 through half-way down page 49  --
We will answer the questions next time. 
 The types of questions we talked about today are


Find More about QARs : Thursday, December 8, 2011

Questions for Everlost,  pages 40-59:
1) What did Speedo bring to sell to Mary Hightower?  Find the answer on pages 39-40? (Right There question)

2)  What make and model of car does Mary give Speedo?  page 42  (Right There question)

3)  What things did Nick and Allie HAVE to do when they were alive that they don't have to do anymore, though they still crave doing those things?  Name three or more activities that are told about in the book.  (Think and Search Question)

4.  What was the most surprising thing about the leader of the boys who ambushed Nick and Allie? (page 50)    (Right There question)

5.   Have you ever had to deal with a bully or a gang of bullies?  What happened?  (This is an On Your Own Question.  You don't have to read Everlost or any other book to answer it.)

6.  Was Allie stupid or smart to tell the bullies that she was friends with the McGill (the monster)?  Why do you think so?  (This is an Author and You question.  You have to read the book to know what it's talking about, but  you add your own opinion and experience.)

4.  Partner Fluency (none today)

5.  Vocabulary --  Last word in this set:   CEREBRAL
(suh REE brul)  adjective
of or relating to the brain; an intellectual person
Linking work: CEREAL

"Eat your CEREAL so you'll grow up and be CEREBRAL like your father."

Other Sample Sentences:
CEREBRAL for a football player, the wily Kansas quarterback rarely called a play that wasn't well planned and thought out.

Dr. Clark was too CEREBRAL to be a boy scout leader.  Instead of saying "pitch your tents over by the cliff, " he would confuse everyone with his big words and say, "construct the canvas shelters in the proximity of the promontory."


6. Individual Reading and Log  -- It was extra short today, so we did not do the following: Today you must read a book or story.  Turn in two questions, one each of two types of QAR's for what you read today.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Self-Starter: On lined paper, write about this:  What meal or other food you have eaten has been most lovingly prepared?  In other words, when has someone really tried to please you by fixing or buying good food for you?  Who did it? Why?  How did it turn out? 
When you were younger, were you ever afraid of a monster?  Or have you enjoyed hearing scary stories of a monster?  What was that monster like?

 2.  Timed Reading with comprehension questions

3. Read Everlost -- with questions

4.  Partner Fluency

5.  Vocabulary  -- "aloof"    The aloof cat was on the roof.

6. Individual Reading and Log

Baltimore; New Jersey's Southern Tip;  Upstate New York

Friday, March 2, 2012

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

1. VOCABULARY:  Copy the word, definition, the sentence that goes with the picture, and one of the three sentences below.
Pronounce it: (luh MENT)
 v. (Part of Speech = verb)
 Definition: to express sorrow or regret; to mourn

buried in cement.

 2.  Timed Reading with comprehension questions

3. Read Everlost -- with questions

4.  Partner Fluency

5. Individual Reading and Log

Friday, March 2, 2012

Self-starter:   Write to answer these questions:
What do you think happens after death?
What is (if there is one) afterlife like?

2. Begin Everlost  -- We read to page 119, top of page, ". . . my father's ugly necktie until the end of time."
The video we watched:

3. Partner Fluency Practice

For fluency practice:
Look's like having long horns is no party for this steer.
 5. Vocabulary
AUSTERE  (aw STEER) adjective
stern, as in manner; without excess, unadorned, severely simple and plain

Link word: STEER

"An AUSTERE STEER is no fun at a party."

You should have copied ONE of these sentences:
"Jill's father was AUSTERE, rarely smiled and was always stern with her about having dates with boys he didn't know."
"The AUSTERITY of life in the village was understandable.  Many were jobless and evidence of poverty was everywhere."
"Her home was AUSTERELY decorated, with very plain furniture without frills and only items that were necessary." 
Reminder of our word from last time:  chattel noun  definition:  an item of personal, movable property: slave
6.  Individual Reading and Log

Quote of the Day: "You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You're on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the one who'll decide where to go..."
-Dr. Seuss