Wednesday, September 14, 2011

September 14, 2011

Pick up book and folder.
Read together as a class from Regarding the Fountain to page 108.

More on Summarizing:
Why Summarize?

Summarizing helps:
(We read an article in the Daily Herald newspaper.  You can find the same article online at
1.  Notice whether there is a title and whether it seems to tell you about what is in the article or book.
2. Ask yourself what questions you might have based on the title.
3. Notice repeated words and/or their synonyms or pronouns that are taking their place.
( See the words in the chart below for this article.)
4. Use the answers you found to your questions and the repeated words to create a summary of what you've read.

  1. Is there a title that tells what it is about?  Write it here:

 "Group lifts burning car off trapped man in Logan"
  1. What questions can you ask about the title?

(Who was in the group?  How many were there?  Why was the car burning?  How did the man get trapped?  Who was the man?  Where in Logan did this happen? )

3.  Are there repeated words or phrases? (nouns, verbs) and their synonyms
How many
times is it
Are there synonyms or pronouns or other forms for that word?

Brandon Wright,
 the man they saved, 21-year-old Utah State Univeristy student, he
b)  rescuers

 university math students, their, they, and a half-dozen others,
c) car, BMW

d)  crash, wreckage,

e) heroes, heroics

f) burning

 flaming, smoke, flames
  also university and Utah State University
slid (twice or more)
safety (twice)

4. Use words from above to create a summary of the article or story.

Reading time -- about 15-18  minutes today for those who read the full time.

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