Thursday, September 22, 2011

Monday, September 26, 2011

1. Pick up book and folder.
  Reading Maniac Magee.   We read from page 28 to page 38. 
2.  Reading Strategies -- Handout -- Background/Inference practice with comic strips
3.  Fluency practice with poem -- Sarah Cynthia Sylvia Stout
4. Sustained Silent Reading with Reading Log

  • It's minimal Day so we will have shorter classes and earlier lunches.
Minimal Day
Time Period Minutes
8:15 – 9:15 1st Period 60 minutes
9:20 – 10:20 2nd Period/Announcements 60 minutes
10:20 – 10:45 First Lunch 25 minutes
10:50 – 11:50 3rd Period 60 minutes
10:25 – 11:25 3rd Period 60 minutes
11:25 – 11:50 Second Lunch 25 minutes
11:55 – 12:55 4th Period 60 minutes

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Pick up book and folder.
  Reading Maniac Magee.   We read from page 20 to page 28. 
We checked our Alignment.
 Maniac   and Tall Tales  -- Making text-to-text connections
and summarizing Tall Tales
Each group receives a tall tale picture book. 
Read your book as a group and create a poster that summarizes  the Tall Tale.  Make sure you include this information:
The Name of the Person
What was special about that person?
What did he or she accomplish? 

And add an illustration.

Individual reading time and reading log.


Selective Attention Test another time. 
Look over Reading Strategies
Fluency Practice:  Sarah Cynthia Silvia Stout Would NOT . . .

Inner Voices: Noticing your own thinking = metacognition  (This is a big word that means "thinking about your thinking."  
We may to a metacognition/inner voices exercise.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

We have a new seating chart today.

Pick up book and folder.
Today we started reading Maniac Magee.   We read to page 20.
We talked about how you choose a book, and
somebody wanted. . . .  but. . .  so. . . . .

We did a fluency practice with the poem "Sick."

Individual Reading time and Reading Log
We did one Story with a Hole and began another in book 12 -- gowns.

Teacher's notes:
strategies charts
MM questions --

Friday, September 16, 2011

Friday, September 16, 2011

Self-Starter:  Pick up book and folder.

We finished reading
Regarding the Fountain.


We summarized two cartoons
     Naughty but Mice using a plot diagram, and
     Pop the Fox using the "SWBS" graphic organizer:   Someone Wanted. . . But. . So. . .

Sustained Silent Reading -- 15 minutes and Reading log

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

September 14, 2011

Pick up book and folder.
Read together as a class from Regarding the Fountain to page 108.

More on Summarizing:
Why Summarize?

Summarizing helps:
(We read an article in the Daily Herald newspaper.  You can find the same article online at
1.  Notice whether there is a title and whether it seems to tell you about what is in the article or book.
2. Ask yourself what questions you might have based on the title.
3. Notice repeated words and/or their synonyms or pronouns that are taking their place.
( See the words in the chart below for this article.)
4. Use the answers you found to your questions and the repeated words to create a summary of what you've read.

  1. Is there a title that tells what it is about?  Write it here:

 "Group lifts burning car off trapped man in Logan"
  1. What questions can you ask about the title?

(Who was in the group?  How many were there?  Why was the car burning?  How did the man get trapped?  Who was the man?  Where in Logan did this happen? )

3.  Are there repeated words or phrases? (nouns, verbs) and their synonyms
How many
times is it
Are there synonyms or pronouns or other forms for that word?

Brandon Wright,
 the man they saved, 21-year-old Utah State Univeristy student, he
b)  rescuers

 university math students, their, they, and a half-dozen others,
c) car, BMW

d)  crash, wreckage,

e) heroes, heroics

f) burning

 flaming, smoke, flames
  also university and Utah State University
slid (twice or more)
safety (twice)

4. Use words from above to create a summary of the article or story.

Reading time -- about 15-18  minutes today for those who read the full time.

Friday, September 9, 2011

No Cave Time with Ms. D on Tuesday

No Cave Time will be held in Ms. Dorsey’s room on Tuesday, September 13.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

September 12, 2011

Early-out Monday

1. Pick up book (Regarding the Fountain) and your folder. We are on page 76.

2. Summarizing:  More SWBS

Somebody wanted  (or was) . . . . .  but. . . . so. . . . 

Elements of Literature, page 629 "Oni and the Great Bird"
Read and fill in an SWBS for the story.

3. Summarizing 2:  Try the SWBS on a newspaper story chosen by Ms. D.
4. Summarizing 3:  Try out the summarizing strategy-- identifying repeated words (Words such as "a, an, the, of"  don't count!)

5. We did not hold individual Silent Reading time or filling out the reading log.

Next time,  why summarize?  Because it's easier than winterizing! Really, we will discuss why summarizing can make your life easier, and will learn more about strategies you can use to summarize what you read. 

If you were absent,  ask Ms. Dorsey for the SWBS materials, and for the make-up sheet for reading time!

September 8, 2011

1.  Sustained Silent Reading and fill out your reading log -- 15 minutes
2. Reading from the class novel:  Regarding the Fountain -- through page 75
          Ooooo -- Mr. Wright, we saw some logical fallacies used by a certain disreputable character in the book, including the slippery slope!

3.  Summarizing --
       We began learning to use the SWBS strategy to summarize fiction (made-up stories).  

Somebody wanted. . . . . . .  but. . . . . . so. . . . . . 

Students listened to the story of the Three Little Pigs, and looked at an SWBS for it.
Students read a brief story called "Seeing is Believing" and filled in an SWBS for it -- in small groups and as a class.
Next time we will do another SWBS for a longer story.

Next time, let's see if we can apply this strategy to nonfiction, too!
We may also have time to practice a summarizing strategy for nonfiction -- identifying repeated words!

If you were absent, ask Ms. Dorsey for the SWBS materials, and for the make-up sheet for reading time!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

September 6, 2011

Read from the Class Novel:  Regarding the Fountain  read from  page 48 to page 65

Newspaper -- Answering  a couple of questions and summarizing articles in sentences and a few words.

Next time -- improving summarizing.  
What to do if you don't have BK!

Effective readers change how they read depending on what and why they are reading.

Individual Reading Time  (25  minutes) and Reading Log

This is what I was telling you about -- the summaries of Harry Potter in a page.
Scroll down to Large-Format Printable Image Files

This site also shows them and other fun stuff.  Today I didn't see anything objectionable there, but I can't guarantee that for the future. --