Thursday, December 15, 2011

Merry Christmas!

Friday, December 16, 2011

Charity Basketball Game or Movie

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

  1. We finished reading Freak the Mighty.
  2. Students practiced SCANNING (a helpful reading skill) by completing a word search of student names, etc. 
  3. Individual Reading and Log.  

If you need to make up any of our individual reading times, get a pink make-up sheet from the tan file box in front of your class black crate.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Monday, December 12, 2011

We read Freak the Mighty pages 116 - 140.   with Question-Answer Relationships.

Individual Work "Treasure at 2 Cents a Pound" questions with QARs

About 8 minutes of individual reading time.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Thursday, December 8, 2011

1. Read from Freak the Mighty from page 88 to page 116.
Asking questions:  Question-Answer Relationships  (Students will answer questions about our reading today in Freak the Mighty.

2.  Worksheet for working with questions: "His Life Wasn't Just Peanuts."

3. Individual Reading and Fill in Reading Log
(Note: Reading Logs will be checked and graded today or over the weekend.)


Questions  (and QARs) for Freak the Mighty, pages 88 -
1. Why can't Kevin just stay as he is? What is his particular problem? (page 89)   This is a right there question-answer relationship.  When you find the words in the question, the answer is right there on the page.  

2. Grim does or is thinking of doing three things to prepare in case Max's dad gets out of prison.  What are those three things?   This is a Think and Search question because you have to look in more than one place to find the answer.   

3.  Is it wrong to tell the sorts of lies Grim is telling on Christmas Eve?
This is an Author and You question.  You have to read the book to know what the question is talking about, but you also have to add in your own experience and judgement. 

4. What is the best Christmas gift you ever got?  This is an On Your Own question because you don't have to read the book at all to answer it.  You already knew the answer before you even saw the book, because the answer comes from your own experience or knowledge. 

5.  What emotions do you think Max is feeling as we read the first two and a half pages of chapter 16?  How do you know?  This is another Author and You question.

6.  At the top of page 110,  Max's dad says, "We've got a situation going here, boy, . . . ."  What is the situation?  In other words, why does Killer Kane want to hide in the old lady's apartment?  

7. By page 114, do you think Max's dad killed Max's mother?  Is he telling the truth when he swears he didn't?    Author and You

8. What does Loretta bring for Max and Killer Kane to eat?   This is a right there question-answer relationship.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Read more from The Mighty -- through page 87.

Individual reading time.